2021 is a Year of OVERFLOW.

2021 is a Year of OVERFLOW.

This is a year of OVERFLOW.

A time of overflow of fulfilled promises that have been unrealized. The things that belong to us are coming and more. Overflow in the goodness of God in the midst of a time of all times, His own people will move in overflow. Every need met and lots to share.

A time of overflow of joy when our children come back to Jesus. Waking up like the prodigal son, longing for acceptance and forgiveness. An unprecedented time of their awakening, where the rebellion, addictions and waywardness will leave and healing comes.

Overflow of wealth that has been laid up for the righteous, released from the wicked.

Overflow of favor in every walk of life. The glory that covers us will be the attraction for favor. The sweet fragrance of His love will draw everyone around us to this great salvation.

Our places of worship will overflow with people seeking the Savior. Our pews will no longer me empty and worship will be alive. Worship will overflow to the streets and the fields as the need for evangelism will push us out.

Overflow in the abundance of power and signs and wonders in the kingdom of God. For it will not only be the fivefold ministers moving in the gifts of God but every sold out saint will see the glory of the Lord.


Janis Peters

Glory Cloud Encounter

Glory Cloud Encounter

A couple of weeks ago, I left my home to take a late afternoon walk. I have a nice sidewalk area to walk around my immediate neighborhood and it is great. I set my phone to some music, put my earbuds in and stepped out into another realm. It was amazing. I love to walk and worship, pray and declare. I pray for my neighborhood and bless the homes. It is a routine thing I do, it’s like my prayer closet when I am out there.

This time was different in terms of walking in the spirit with signs following. I could see I was in a Glory cloud and as I walked about 2 blocks from my home, I knew why.

Directly in front of me a block away came a sweet couple who enjoy the early evening too. In their 40’s I suspect, a man pushing his wife in a wheelchair. She has no legs because they have been amputated above the knee. I knew I was on a head on course to minister. I was saying “Yes Lord.”

The Glory Cloud lingered and we were set apart. As I reached out my hand to shake the man’s hand, I said “Hi, my name is Janis and I am a neighbor.” They both smiled and acknowledged they knew. She said her name was Tabitha as I shook her hand. I asked if I could pray for her and she acted like nothing was wrong with her. But as I looked at her she just started saying what she had gone through. She had been in the hospital for 4 months fighting some sort of virus in her heart. All her organs had shut down and she almost died. It was a miracle she had overcome the virus. It had taken a toll on her with the loss of her legs. As I looked at her hands her fingertips were black and no doubt next on the list to be removed, she was amazing. She had her prosthetic legs on, her hair was thinning, her eyes were wide open and set on me. So, I blessed her, cursed the trauma and disease. I spoke life into her, quoted scripture and spoke destiny into her. Both of them received life, healing and hope. Their lives will never be the same.

It is such a privilege to pray for people outside of the church service. The marketplace, the city streets, the neighborhood, people are there too. Ask the Lord to help you hear their cries, see their need, and draw you into ministry. It doesn’t have to be a long encounter. Sometimes it is enough to say “Be healed in Jesus name.” Then trust the Holy Spirit to continue His work in their lives.

Morning Glory Blog

Morning Glory Blog

It is that place in the morning when our spirits are quiet before the Lord. He speaks and we hear Him.

I have chosen you. You thought you had to work to earn my love. No my child, I chose you from the foundations of the world. You
are my design. Molded in my image.

He whispers peace into the depths of your spirit. The peace that passes all understanding. Where stillness is all around. No worry, no weight of heaviness, or despair. Everything is going to be alright.

Let Him
Let Him be your love.
Let Him be your glory in the morning.
Let Him give you joy
Let Him give you peace.
Let Him awaken every fiber of your life.
Let Him draw out the beauty in your life.
Let Him.

In the morning, a new day is beginning. New every morning, the Word says His mercies are new every morning. Receive mercy.

Come into His presence with singing. Singing songs of praise, of adoration, of honor. Singing a new song, one that brings the
freshness of the morning. Sing in the spirit.

Say yes to Him in the morning. Let Him direct your steps. Let Him illuminate the way. His ways are so much easier than ours. Yes,

Give us this day our daily bread. What do you need this morning? The bread of strength today? Eat to the fullest today. He is the
bread of life.’ Here is a slice of joy. Joy comes in the morning. Joy unspeakable and full of glory.

Hope is life. As the morning comes new hope arises, it stirs deep in us, bringing the newness of all things.