Nothing is Impossible!
I heard a statement recently, that we should all have gold and silver assets. Invest for your future, get solid gold for a strong portfolio. I found myself bemoaning the fact that my investments didn’t meet my expectations at this time. I lifted a prayer, expressing I don’t have gold and silver for investments. But I trust you that nothing is impossible and you can get it to me. It was very simple and to the point. I was lifted and was able to release the weight of the problem over to Him.
It was very hot outside, probably close to 100 degrees and the sun was blaring. My husband had planted potatoes along the fence and .the planter area was along a good stretch on one side. There was zuchinni, a green pepper plant, tomatoes, and okra all in a line.
I got a hose out to water the plants because they looked wilted. As I turned towards the tomatoes, my eyes caught a glimpse in the spirit. I saw a few tomatoes on the plant and all of sudden I saw something special. It was a tomato the size of a golf ball and it was a beautiful solid gold. There was even a sparkle on it as the sun kissed it. I was shocked and tried to comprehend what I was seeing. I was so surprised I turned my head then looked back. The tomato was no longer gold but very natural.
As I was thinking a few hours later the Lord began to minister to me. He was showing me His kingdom come on earth and how He could supply all my need, even, if it means I need gold. All I have to do is keep my eyes on Him and he can make gold out of tomatoes. I was so stunned. Of course, that wouldn’t be hard for Him. I will trust Him for my future, I will walk in confidence that He will supply all my needs. I found myself repenting for not picking the tomato! Lord, keep me alert to see provision.
It might be a stretch to imagine that, but have you heard of Apples of Gold, or the Goose that laid the Golden Egg? Think on these things, Selah.